Wine Dogs USA 2025 Calendar


Wine Dogs travels the world in search of those special canine friends that greet us every time we go wine tasting or visit a winery.

It’s a known fact that behind every great winery there is a loyal dish-licker. Our Wine Dogs products have showcased these four-legged ambassadors of the wineries for years, and now we have put some of our American favourites in the Wine Dogs USA 2025 Calendar.

It’s a known fact that behind every great winemaker sits a loyal, dish-licking, taste-testing, lawn-watering hound and it’s our job to document it. In this calendar we feature Wine Dogs from Arista Winery, Shibumi Knoll Vineyards, Brian Arden Wines, Fortunati Vineyards, Baldacci Family Vineyards, Boyd Family Vineyards, Flambeaux Wine, Convene by Dan Kosta, Merriam Vineyards, Crocker & Starr Winery, The Vice, and Cobden Wini Wines.

Calendar26 pages, full colour
Size12 x 12 inches (303 x 303 mm)


“Wine Dogs has created an enormous pleasure for all canine and wine lovers – a celebration of both the world’s greatest beverage and man’s most devoted and loyal friend.” ~ Robert M. Parker, Jr.